How to Plan for the New Year, Successfully

If you’re anything like us, you probably took some time ahead of the New Year to sit down, think and plan for 2023. You likely reflected on the year you had and looked ahead to what you would like from your next year. It seems almost natural to reevaluate how our year went and look […]
The Importance of Healthy Expectations

Setting expectations, intentions and goals for yourself is a beneficial tool that supports you in creating the life you want. It’s something we all do. We work towards our goals and will all of our expectations to fruition. Providing clarity, direction, and accountability expectations offer us stepping stones to becoming our best selves. It is […]
Wellness and Women of Colour

Wellness has been a trending topic for a while. Even here at GirlDreamer, we talk about it a lot! For us, it is a none negotiable. We don’t see wellness as a luxury but as a necessity that contributes to our self-love, self-care and healthy living, which improves our mental health. While wellness is something […]
Why and How You Should Be Advocating For Yourself

Advocating for yourself is a natural part of adulthood. Expecting, asking, and even demanding more, is something we should all feel comfortable with. Advocating for yourself means setting boundaries and expectations, ensuring others understand what you require of them and communicating the importance of all of this. Self-advocacy applies to every aspect of your life, […]
How to Live Your Best Soft Life

This summer, we have seen the popularisation of the term ‘The Soft Life’. We have been inundated with it. It seems like all of a sudden, everyone is living a ‘Soft Life’, and yet most of us still don’t know what it means. To put it shortly, a Soft Life is a radical act of […]
Why Women of Colour Should be Spending More Time Outdoors

Did you know that in the UK, women of colour (WOC) are the most underrepresented group when it comes to participating in outdoor activities and adventures? Isn’t that crazy? That the participation and representation of WOC outdoors are so low that there is a literal adventure gap. Be it a lack of comfortability, knowledge, feeling […]