In recent times, there has been a lot of talk about community.
Be it the cross-generational growth of loneliness, another COVID-19 impact, being chronically online or the mass reduction of third spaces, the longing for community seems to have grown exponentially. Community, despite being thrown around a lot, is a term that is difficult to define.
Community means different things to different people and manifests differently. For the most part, community offers safety, respect, compassion, kindness and joy. It can be everything for someone and act as a driving force, encouraging you to live your best life and show up as your whole self.
A community can feel like a life force of energy.
For WoC, in particular, a community is vital. Moving through the world navigating countless microaggressions, biases and an overwhelming amount of expectations, for WoC, having a space that is safe and free of criticism and judgement is essential. We deserve to enjoy ourselves and exist without fear of a harsh reception, misinterpretation, judgement and a need to tackle stereotypes and unfair biases. A community can do all of the above.
Unfortunately, it can be difficult to find the right community, especially as a WoC. However, we cannot stress enough the importance of finding yours. Whether it is found through friends, family, work colleagues, outside groups or a group you create, a community can change your life for the better.
Where you can feel seen, heard and respected, a community is vital! Below are our top tricks on how to find your people and build your community.
Put Yourself Out There
As daunting as it can be to find your people and your community, you have to put yourself out there!
Frightening, we know. But rest assured, as nervous, awkward or embarrassed you feel putting yourself out there, there will be someone who feels the exact same way you do, if not worse. Putting yourself out there to find what you want can be life-changing, and the more you do it, the less embarrassing it will be. You can start small by maybe meeting someone in your circle that you don’t know that well or asking someone you see frequently in the gym to workout together. Putting yourself out there can mean different things to different people, and you can align it with what will work with you, but what is most important is that you do it.
You must actively go out of your way to find what aligns with you and nurture it. You cannot find your community and people by staying home and scrolling through your TikTok feed. Yes, the effort it will take can be daunting, but the result will be truly gratifying and will help you find your community sooner.
Attend Groups
Finding a community that works for you takes some effort, but one of the easiest ways to begin is by attending different groups, events and programmes to try new things and meet new people. Whether it is a book club, walking group or supper club, find a group that aligns with your interests and attend.
Over the past year or so, there has been a boom in the number of third spaces and community events open to the public. For the most part, these events are easily found (social media is a great tool here), free to attend and run nationally by different groups. Now more than ever, it is easier to find groups that align with you and through attendance at these events, it might be easier to find a community.
As you search for your community, you don’t have to settle. So, if the groups you are attending are not bringing you joy, do not feel like you have to stick it out and persist. Try again, attend new events, broaden your reach and try different things to see what peaks your interest and brings you joy. Through this, you can find what makes you happy and build relationships with people that align with this, creating your ideal community.
Create What Is Missing
If you have been struggling to find your people, find your group and find your community, it might be up to you to create what is missing. Struggling to find what aligns with you can be difficult, and you might feel defeated.
However, to find what aligns with you, creating it might be the best move. Whatever it may be, whether it is a run club, a wellness group or something else, creating what is missing for you will allow you to fill that gap for yourself and also for others.
A community can be found and created anywhere, so if you are struggling to find what aligns with you, create the group that you can’t find and build the community that you want, and in doing so, you will feel fulfilled.