How to Keep Going

How to Keep Going

Life can be overwhelming. With work, family, friends, side-hustles and everything in between, it can very quickly begin to feel like you’re running on fumes with very little left in the tank at the end. Moving through life in a fog juggling countless responsibilities, remaining motivated can be difficult, to say the least.

It’s often said that we can do anything if we just simply put our minds to it. But, what this doesn’t account for is what happens when our mind works against us. What happens when we lose our interest in the execution, lost an important wave of enthusiasm and become demoralised. Those odd days where you want to run away and hide quickly become everyday, and it can begin to feel like there are a plethora of unfinished or poorly handled tasks in your wake.

Remaining motivated and continuing on when you feel demoralised can feel impossible. Persevering in times of stress and strain is difficult but it is an important part of creating joy in our lives. So often in life our resolve is tested. Therefore, an important part of being able to continue on is to ensure we have strategies and plans in place already for when we feel low, demoralised or doomed. Motivation is deeply personal, and we are truly the only ones who can encourage drive, motivation and perseverance for ourselves.

Entering a particularly busy time of the year, it’s normal to have little energy and motivation left. You are being pulled in every different direction and following a long and busy year you might be at your whits end. Here at GirlDreamer, we know exactly how it feels to have that doom-laden sense that you’ll never achieve your goals or succeed. So, we want to share our top tips on how to persevere and keep going, even when it feels impossible.

Take a Break

When you get to a point where it is all to much and you feel so overwhelmed that you might just burst, the first and most important thing you should do is take a break. Hit pause and just stop. Stop trying to do it all, stop trying to catch up, stop trying to be everything to everyone, just stop. Burnout and overwhelm happens and it is super common when you are trying to achieve your dreams. So, it is important that every once in a while you hit pause and take some time to yourself.

A great way to keep it together and remain balanced and focused throughout life’s journeys is to regularly take a step back.

Breaks offer a mindset refresh and really encourage you to zoom out, see the bigger picture and move forward with clarity and objectivity. Incredibly powerful tools, breaks help to keep you on track and renew your motivation because of the incredibly important work life balance you create.

Breaks are truly critical in helping you persevere and continue on. Without regular breaks, burnout is inevitable, and so, implementing breaks into your routine is vital in ensuring you can be all that you want to be without feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

Get Some Perspective

When you are deep in it, it is very easy to get caught up and lost in a blur. Your thoughts are scrambled, routine a mess and days feel wasted. A loss of motivation and perseverance can truly do a number on how you think and feel about yourself. Therefore, it is vital that you take a step back and get some perspective.

Perspective always helps.

Incredibly powerful, perspective ensures you can see clearly and with clarity. A zoom out on your life can ensure you are looking at it in the right way and not with hazy, tired eyes. Perspective offers an important refresh that will can you feel renewed and reinvigorated.

Getting some perspective will allow you to see how far you’ve come and encourage you to appreciate all that you have done so far. It can help you realign with your goals, encourage you to continue on and get excited again about the journey you are on.

Getting some perspective is truly vital in continuing on in a healthy way.

Make a Plan

Once you have gotten some perspective and taken a break, you might feel like you should dive straight back into your journey.

However, the next and most useful step you should take is to make a plan.

It is hard to control things and that you probably already know, but making a plan does not mean you will be able to control everything and have the cards fall where you want them to. But what it will do, is ensure you feel empowered in your journey and powerful deciding what steps you need to take to become who you want to be. Through making a plan you can feel supported, using it as a guiding light when you feel under strain or overwhelmed. In making a plan you can set your goals and intentions and use this to keep you on track and aligned throughout the process. Providing structure and practical steps, through making a plan you can prioritise what is most important and helpful as you continue on in your journey.

Overwhelm, burnout and a lack of motivation can sometimes seem inevitable.

However, this does not have to be the case. You can take tangible steps to stop these feelings before they occur. Important mindset and lifestyle shifts can help ensure you do not feel like you are drowning in a mess you created. Taking regular breaks, getting some perspective and making and sticking to a plan can help ensure you continue on in a healthy and productive way that ensures you feel your best and most balanced throughout the journey.





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