How to Stand Up for What is Right and Advocate for Change

How to Stand Up for What is Right and Advocate for Change

We grow up hearing that we should stand up for what we believe in. However, as we grow and begin to put this into practice, it is often dismissed, undermined and ignored.

To stand for something and up to something means to advocate. We advocate for what is right and for the rights of others. We want equal treatment and opportunity for all, including ourselves. Standing up for others and ourselves is a testament to how we see ourselves and the world. In standing up and advocating, you show that you value and support the rights of all. Standing up for what is right is a vital part of our humanity and that of the wider collective.

As we grow up, we truly begin to see what it means to stand up for something. Not only the importance of it but the work it takes. We see that when standing up for what is right, we face judgement, harassment and disappointment in systems and society. Disrupting systems, challenging outdated and archaic notions and advocating for the rights, equality and peace for all is an enduring process but an incredibly important one.

In incredibly trying times, we want to offer insight into how to stand up and advocate.

Do Your Own Research

In a world of clickbait, social media ‘facts’ and rampant misinformation, doing your own research and forming your own understanding and opinions of situations is vital. With increasingly cluttered online spaces and an overwhelming amount of opinions, thoughts, and often super-charged feelings, we have a responsibility to form rational, well-balanced and informed opinions and perspectives.

In doing our own research, we understand how nuanced topics are and can learn what is missing from traditional news systems. As a result, we can form well-rounded, rational opinions that allow us to do the work to create systems, change and peace. From researching and forming our own opinions, we can set clear and effective goals in our advocacy work and create the change that is required. With continuous research, we remain well-informed through knowledge of the cause and system. As a result, we can adapt to changing circumstances, develop effective campaigns and strategies and anticipate questions and opposition.

Find a Community

A community offers comfort, warmth, guidance and support. In the context of advocacy work, a community can feel like a saving grace. When advocating or standing up for something, finding a community and beginning to work with others with similar views, opinions, and feelings can feel like a load has been lifted, encouraging you to persevere and keep going.

In finding a community, you can build alliances and find ease in organising events, protests and political action. There is strength in numbers, and advocating alongside others and encouraging others to join along can propel a movement and drive change.

Take a Minute

The fight for justice is a heavy, long and enduring one. The process takes patience, resilience and a continually renewed sense of faith and belief that good will prevail. Knowing that you are fighting for something important can be a powerful motivation and one that drives you even in your darkest days or moments. However, despite this, sometimes it can get just a little bit too much. So, we find it incredibly useful to take a minute, have a breather and disengage for a second to catch your breath, renew and find clarity.

Now, when we say take a minute, we do not mean put your advocacy work on pause, disengage from the cause or let your passion for justice take a back seat. Seeing harrowing stories of injustice and casualty again and again can be overwhelming and often deter people from fighting for justice, so we are simply suggesting that you take a moment to catch your breath and find a renewed sense of faith and hope. The heaviness of conflict can take a toll, and in taking a minute, you can support your well-being as you fight for justice and continue to do more. Taking a break can create clarity and a new perspective, one which can drive productivity and energy levels. Thus allowing you to do more, create more means of support and drive advocacy and change.

Don’t Give Up

In standing up and advocating for what is right, the most important step is to not give up. Injustice can only last as long as it is not challenged, and when joining the fight against it, you mustn’t yield until change is created and peace is achieved. While the fight for justice can be a difficult process, you must remember to centre what you are fighting to drive and motivate you.

In the fight for justice, we must stand for ourselves and others and continue to advocate for all. Working together to influence outcomes and drive change are actions we owe one another. With whatever privilege or power we have, we should use it to advocate and stand up for the rights of others.





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